Experienced in designing and delivering Leadership Development programs in the corporate, government and not for profit sectors, we have delivered programs internationally and within Australia. Whether it be leadership and executive coaching or organisational development – we can assist. Our programs target specific skills including: communicating vision, building collaboration, better engaging teams, enhancing influencing skills, leading change or creating seismic cultural transformation.
Our professional fa
cilitation services brings a wide range of approaches to deepen dialogue within groups and organisations including: OPREP, CHPDP, Appreciative Inquiry, World Café, Open Space Facilitation, Business Constellation, Meeting Technology and of course more traditional facilitation processes.
Corporate coaching can stand alone or be integrated strategically into your organizational development strategy, underpinning the building of High Performing Teams or a Leadership Development Program. With a focus on behavioural change, our professional coaches have worked with a variety of One on One, Team and Group Coaching activities. Assignments have included: role transition, personal development, enhancing personal performance, managing teams, project team alignment, skills to foster open dialogue, build rapport, hold people accountable and work constructively with conflict.

Crucial Conversation Skills
Trained in accelerated learning, action learning design and process facilitation we can provide a variety of soft skills training programs. Practical and results oriented, we are noted for our ability to create dynamic learning environments which are highly interactive, providing participants with opportunities to practice new skills using materials directly relevant to their own situations. Our vibrant workshops impart the knowledge, skills and competencies using simulations, videos, roleplays, lectures and case studies along with individual and group participation to maximise learning.