Building Leadership Capability is central to organizational success. Experienced in designing and delivering Leadership Development programs in the corporate, government and not for profit sectors, we have delivered programs internationally and within Australia. Whether it be leadership and executive coaching or organisational development – we can assist. Our programs target specific skills including: communicating vision, building collaboration, better engaging teams, enhancing influencing skills, leading change or creating seismic cultural transformation.
“Susan has demonstrated she is a masterful coach and leadership facilitator. She consistently and unerringly balances the need for compassion, empathy and caring with the need to have people face head-on aspects of themselves which manifest in outward observable behaviour – which they may not naturally be inclined to examine. Susan continues to work with us as a coach and facilitator for our ever-evolving leadership development program.” Glen Coghlan – Director, People & Culture – Ajilon
Building leadership capability:
- Executive Team Programs
- Emerging Leaders, Top Talent, Future Leaders
- Cultural Transformation
- Deepening Emotional Intelligence
- Leaders in Transition – the shift from controlling to leading
- Collaborative Leadership
- Leading Change
- Communicating Vision
- The Transformative Leader
- Deepening Organisational Dialogue
- Leadership Competency Frameworks
- Career Conversations to Engage High Performers
- Influencing Skills
- Leadership Culture Assessment
- 360 degree Leadership Appraisal
- Leadership & Executive Coaching
360 Developmental tools for building leadership capability
Organisational systems, corporate history, structures and leadership styles can unwittingly create defensive and less productive work cultures. Sound data is critical for individual and corporate self-awareness, and integral to leadership and organisational effectiveness. Our experience is that change and growth is best facilitated by establishing a baseline. To support this, we have invested in a wide range of rigorous tools and accreditations to establish evidence-based, meaningful data and measures for leaders and workplace cultures, including:
- The Leadership Circle – Leadership Competency Framework
- Measuring Leadership Team Cultures
- Human Synergistics’s suite of tools for Individual, Team and Organisational Development
- A variety of Organisational Culture and Values Assessments
- 360 degree Leadership Profiles
Facilitating Success tailors high impact programs to build leadership capabilities required to grow & evolve your organization.