In addition to the facilitating methodologies of OPREP, CHPDPP and more traditional Focused Conversational Methods, ORID, Brainstorming, Affinity Process etc, we are also experts in NLP, Neuroscience, Conflict Resolution, Crucial Conversations and Collaborative Relationships.
We are experienced with Open Space Facilitation, Appreciative Inquiry, World Café, Action Learning, deBonos 6 Thinking Hats and Process Facilitation.
Skilled at large event management, we are accomplished in a wide range of approaches to create deep dialogue within groups, teams, boards and organisations – group sizes 5 to 300!
We can design workshops and seminars – using a number of diagnostics, frameworks and profiles. Talk with us about your situation and desired outcomes and we will work with you to determine the best way to shape your key organisational conversations.
- Systems Dynamics • Coaching in Role
- Process Facilitation • Ontological Coaching
- DeBono’s 6 Thinking Hats • World Cafe
- Open Space • Action Learning
- Spiral Dynamics • Accelerated Education Methodology
- Appreciative Inquiry • Group Map Technology
Diagnostics & 360 feedback tools